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Baptiste Charbonnier: Developing innovative biomaterials to repair our jaws
In Nantes, Baptiste Charbonnier is developing biomaterials capable of treating bone loss in the jaw, thus enabling dental implants to be placed. For this project, the Inserm researcher obtained ATIP-Avenir funding. Globally, it is estimated that 23% of people over the age of 60 have at least one missing tooth, and 7% have no teeth […]

Alexis Elbaz: Fighting Parkinson’s disease head on
Alexis Elbaz is a neurologist and Inserm research director. His goal? For Parkinson’s to be a thing of the past. Through the discovery of risk factors or protective factors, his research provides data to envisage the prevention of a disease whose prevalence is increasing with population ageing. In France, Alexis Elbaz is a key figure […]

Marie-Émilie Terret: Unlocking the secrets of oocytes
Marie-Émilie Terret is an Inserm Research Director at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology at Collège de France in Paris. She specialises in describing the particularities of oocytes, highly complex cells whose functioning is key to the viability of future embryos. Her scientific creativity and valuable multidisciplinary collaborations have led her to discover, to […]

Nils Kolling deciphers decision-making
Nils Kolling, Inserm researcher at the Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute (SBRI) in Lyon, is studying the brain mechanisms of motivation and planning that guide our decisions. He has received a substantial European Research Council Starting Grant for his work to describe them and develop computer simulation models. Research that could ultimately be of service […]

Sophie Ugolini: a visionary in immunology
With her research on how the nervous system influences the regulation of immunity, Sophie Ugolini is charting an unprecedented course in immunology. When she turned her attention to it in 2012 after several years of deciphering immune regulation mechanisms, immunology was a new discipline. This bold choice has earned Ugolini two major funding opportunities which, […]

Ludivine Doridot: making strides in endometriosis
Inserm researcher at the Cochin Institute, Ludivine Doridot is studying endometriosis, a gynaecological disease that affects around 10% of women and can lead to chronic pain and infertility. As part of a project funded by the European Research Council, she analyses the menstrual blood of patients to discover diagnostic and prognostic markers of the disease […]

ERC : Yotis Senis awarded for his outstanding work at Inserm
Yotis Senis, who joined the Inserm unit 1255 « Biology and pharmacology of blood platelets: hemostasis, thrombosis, transfusion » in Strasbourg five years ago, has seen his project « Maintenance of platelet homeostasis by tyrosine phosphatases and vascular heparan sulfates » retained for fundings. The multidisciplinary approach, ranging from biophysics to transgenic mouse models, should lead to a better understanding […]

Samira Fafi-Kremer: for the love of viruses
Franco-Moroccan, young, female... Samira Fafi-Kremer was far from having a career path that would be all mapped out. Yet her innate strength, will and curiosity have made her a respected and rewarded pillar of the scientific world. In 2021 she was appointed Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur of the French Republic, and then in 2023 […]

Tango therapy: let’s dance!
And one, two, three, four… Join us as we dance the tango! But not just any tango: therapeutic tango. Our first stop for this report is the geriatric hospital in Albigny-sur-Saône, north of Lyon, where some twenty residents are getting ready to start, guided by an accordionist and a professional dancer. ‘Tango is the dance […]

Anna Rita Cantelmo: when the blood vessel cells malfunction
Passionate about vascular biology, Anna Rita Cantelmo has always wanted to conduct high-level research. An ambition that led her to leave Italy for Belgium, and then France, on her quest to decipher the biology of the cells that line our blood vessels. By studying their function – and their dysfunction – she looks for the […]